Sunday, June 16, 2013

Radio Communication system improvement procurement grinds into ...

Guzi reviews the Communications System  for Botetourt County.

Guzi reviews the Communications System for Botetourt County.

Sheriff Ronnie Sprinkle had been concerned for months about the radio communication system for Botetourt County. Earlier this year the system failed for? 12 hours leaving deputies and EMS unable to communicate effectively with Dispatch. In Botetourt County, school buses are on the system as well.? Sprinkle? had understood after the 2014 budget sessions the solutions to the problem had begun, but recently learned that was not the case.? Parts on the current system were so old and antiquated that EBay was used to acquire them.

However after Sprinkle had talks with Fincastle Supervisor Jack Leffel and County Administrator Kathleen Guzi, a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors took place. On Friday June 14, the Board of Supervisors held a meeting to speed up the procurement? with a vote to allocate needed funds. It may still take up to? 6 months due to the manufacture of the needed parts.? Leffel lauded the Sheriff for his concern and actions for the safety of Botetourt citizens and emergency and public safety employees.

The three Supervisors members present, Terry Austin, Mac Scothorn and Leffel voted to begin the process and approved the funding? for solving the communications problem. The cost is over $450, 000 for the needed upgrades, though all of it will not take place at one time. The contractor, Pro Com will be contacted to begin and a time line will be formed for the process, noted Austin.

The Roanoke Times has additional coverage of the radio system here.

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