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User ID: 27489647
12/10/2012 10:47 PM
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Have your liver checked.
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 10:47 PM
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In my haste, I neglected to say that in the store she thought the same thing. She actually was afraid to say anything because she thought it was just her and that I would pick on her for being anxious. After I said I felt weird, we even talked about how the lighting seemed to be glossy and everything was like a dream- like it wasn't really happening. No drink, no drugs. just a trip to the store that we have done a thousand times before. This time was different.
User ID: 12506015
12/10/2012 10:47 PM
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I dont know whats causing it, but I am having similiar episodes, though I get them inside the house as well. Out of nowhere I get an out of it feeling, like the feeling you get after you smoke a bowl and its just hitting you, though I havent smoked. It can last a few seconds to a couple minutes usually. i also get a strange pressure in my head. If I had to guess it would be that something is up with the sun or other magnetic forces.
User ID: 27180401
12/10/2012 10:58 PM
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your breathing fumes from crack cocaine somehow someplace and its screwing you up
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 10:59 PM
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Have your liver checked.
Her's too I guess. Dunno if the liver's the issue. Seriously felt it in the head. Almost a "Floaty" feeling.
Also that doen;s operationally define the other shoppers' behavior. Why was everyone "almost" running into other shoppers? Strange Days...
User ID: 16711658
12/10/2012 11:04 PM
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I teach that we are are all only energy-nothing more.
Let me add something, that may change your views.
There's cases of people being taken outside their body, not always, but at times by a near death experience.
A psychologist, may now say, the NDE experience, was nothing more than the product of the subconscious.
But, here's why this is impossible.
There's many cases now of people leaving their body, and then finding out information, that was impossible to know about, but, was then researched and verified to be true.
For example, here's a true account, a little girl was taken out of her body, and then goes to a heavenly location. She then sees many deceased residing here. She also learns of information, about them, that was impossible to know about, for example the exact details of their death, name, etc.
After returning to her body, this little 4 year old girl, shares information with her family, about one of the deceased person she saw (although she even shared about multiple people), his name, exact details of his death (not mere generalizations). Her family, didn't know how to respond. Based on what the little girl shared, they hunted the newspaper, to find out about this boy. All she shared was verified to be true down to the exact details, including the boy's name, details of his death, and even shared information about the boy's family members.
This isn't an isolated case, there's more like this.
In addition, for something to be statistically significant, the probability has to be p < .05.
Now consider this, many who went to this heavenly location, had all described seeing the exact same thing, which is flowers singing, and often singing praises to God.
User ID: 29414852
12/10/2012 11:05 PM
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Anyway, I just talked with my "other" about an episode at a local store two days ago.
We entered and after about five minutes I said everything "feels" weird." Now keep in mind she knows how I analyze things and am more intense than most because of who I am. But she knows nothing of this site and its undue influences on perception. It is easy to fall down the rabbit hole here. Only the strong survive this vortex and stay here. Others leave or are velcroed into the "doom that may come at any moment anxiety."
So my story. The store was at normal capacity but we felt crowded, more than should be appropriate given the number of people. Carts were cutting off people at random. We had to dodge oncoming shoppers as if we weren't even there. They really seemed like "almost" Zombies.
Leaving we spoke about how we felt light headed (like nitrous at a dentist). Then today I was teaching, all was fine. As soon as I left the building I was light headed again, almost like I smoked something. This lasted until I got into my car.
I just talked to my wife about it and it made me think of Faraday Cages. I was fine once insulated. I teach that we are are all only energy-nothing more.
People of Science please respond. I know you are here. One professional to another- I would like your academic input. Thank you.
***Also please denote your expertise so I get a sense of where you are coming from. You could easily lie but integrity is something that is easy to lose and is hard to regain. Those that have lost it are easily spotted as are those that never had it.***
Your thoughts...
person of science here, frankly you seem like a self absorbed twat.
did you really say "have almost perfect score on my GRE for analytical skills "
wow, grow up, noone gives a shit. seriously. Your mom was impressed, noone else give a shit.
User ID: 29515761
12/10/2012 11:20 PM
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User ID: 16711658
12/10/2012 11:23 PM
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In my haste, I neglected to say that in the store she thought the same thing. She actually was afraid to say anything because she thought it was just her and that I would pick on her for being anxious. After I said I felt weird, we even talked about how the lighting seemed to be glossy and everything was like a dream- like it wasn't really happening. No drink, no drugs. just a trip to the store that we have done a thousand times before. This time was different.
Were there more people there than normal? If so, this may make sense due to the holiday season.
If there were more people there than normal, although not consciously choosing to do this, you may have been extra alert and observant of everyone, which may be a survival instinct. What you stated here, makes me believe so:
Carts were cutting off people at random. We had to dodge oncoming shoppers as if we weren't even there. They really seemed like "almost" Zombies.
Now, you're already in a profession, where you have to analyze and be observant of a situation.
Now you're probably familiar with people who are in 'the zone', or the book 'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience'.
You're awareness is in the present moment, which from your comments, it appeared you were in. And all the activities:
Carts were cutting off people at random. We had to dodge oncoming shoppers as if we weren't even there.
Made you go into this state.
Another key of this flow state, is that your involved in an activity, that's not overly difficult, or overly easy. And again, in your case, dodging the people / carts.
The people have always appeared like 'zombies'. Only now, your heightened awareness, and flow state, made you observe them more so, than normal.
User ID: 24526861
12/10/2012 11:23 PM
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User ID: 27972246
12/10/2012 11:26 PM
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Anyway, I just talked with my "other" about an episode at a local store two days ago.
We entered and after about five minutes I said everything "feels" weird." Now keep in mind she knows how I analyze things and am more intense than most because of who I am. But she knows nothing of this site and its undue influences on perception. It is easy to fall down the rabbit hole here. Only the strong survive this vortex and stay here. Others leave or are velcroed into the "doom that may come at any moment anxiety."
So my story. The store was at normal capacity but we felt crowded, more than should be appropriate given the number of people. Carts were cutting off people at random. We had to dodge oncoming shoppers as if we weren't even there. They really seemed like "almost" Zombies.
Leaving we spoke about how we felt light headed (like nitrous at a dentist). Then today I was teaching, all was fine. As soon as I left the building I was light headed again, almost like I smoked something. This lasted until I got into my car.
I just talked to my wife about it and it made me think of Faraday Cages. I was fine once insulated. I teach that we are are all only energy-nothing more.
People of Science please respond. I know you are here. One professional to another- I would like your academic input. Thank you.
***Also please denote your expertise so I get a sense of where you are coming from. You could easily lie but integrity is something that is easy to lose and is hard to regain. Those that have lost it are easily spotted as are those that never had it.***
Your thoughts...
You are about two days from having a heart attack with stroke. Have fun, enjoy your little time.
User ID: 29077765
12/10/2012 11:27 PM
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Have your liver checked.
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 11:28 PM
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Anyway, I just talked with my "other" about an episode at a local store two days ago.
We entered and after about five minutes I said everything "feels" weird." Now keep in mind she knows how I analyze things and am more intense than most because of who I am. But she knows nothing of this site and its undue influences on perception. It is easy to fall down the rabbit hole here. Only the strong survive this vortex and stay here. Others leave or are velcroed into the "doom that may come at any moment anxiety."
So my story. The store was at normal capacity but we felt crowded, more than should be appropriate given the number of people. Carts were cutting off people at random. We had to dodge oncoming shoppers as if we weren't even there. They really seemed like "almost" Zombies.
Leaving we spoke about how we felt light headed (like nitrous at a dentist). Then today I was teaching, all was fine. As soon as I left the building I was light headed again, almost like I smoked something. This lasted until I got into my car.
I just talked to my wife about it and it made me think of Faraday Cages. I was fine once insulated. I teach that we are are all only energy-nothing more.
People of Science please respond. I know you are here. One professional to another- I would like your academic input. Thank you.
***Also please denote your expertise so I get a sense of where you are coming from. You could easily lie but integrity is something that is easy to lose and is hard to regain. Those that have lost it are easily spotted as are those that never had it.***
Your thoughts...
person of science here, frankly you seem like a self absorbed twat.
did you really say "have almost perfect score on my GRE for analytical skills "
wow, grow up, noone gives a shit. seriously. Your mom was impressed, noone else give a shit.
Ok I see where that comes across as eagerly egocentric. My apologies. I was only trying to offer s a sense of my ability to discern reality from influence-nothing more.
While I don't see myself as a "twat." My mother is proud of me. I am sorry that that is what you took from this post. I meant no disrespect or arrogance. I humbly submit to those that may have answers or common experiences.
My hope is that answers will arise from sound questioning and not redirectionist attacks derived from insolence or insolvent terpitude, It's late, I'm here to find solidarity-not judgement.
User ID: 11967801
12/10/2012 11:30 PM
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phd in psychology is about as useful as a toilet paper roll
User ID: 29606936
12/10/2012 11:30 PM
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all Seats occupied but no one
is really standing, some People talk,
some look into their mobile Phone,
a few Sleep and a few just watch out
of the Train, it is a beautiful day here
in Japan, all looks more than normal,
except me; i listen to Can, Tagomago!
User ID: 8625642
12/10/2012 11:34 PM
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We are between worlds my friend.
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 11:35 PM
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phd in psychology is about as useful as a toilet paper roll
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 11:37 PM
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We are between worlds my friend.
Thanks for the honest post. Just weird. I couldn't get home fast enough. Kept thinking of needing to be near my kids. Unprotected feeling.
User ID: 5676214
12/10/2012 11:39 PM
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It probably wouldn't hurt to get your blood sugar levels checked, though.
Or maybe it's the Earth ascending to a higher dimension.
User ID: 28731888
12/10/2012 11:41 PM
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One star bandit-really? Just saw that. Don't read the message or anything. At least have the B@lls to defend your reasoning.
User ID: 8625642
12/10/2012 11:44 PM
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We are between worlds my friend.
Thanks for the honest post. Just weird. I couldn't get home fast enough. Kept thinking of needing to be near my kids. Unprotected feeling.
You are being treated like jack by some of the posters because of the GRE comment and the PhD reference. I know you were just trying to establish your bona fides, but that is the deal here.
Anyway, almost everything boils down to psychology so it is a helpful degree. However, I don't think psychologists know 5% of what is going on ultimately. There is much more going on than is apparent through the scientific method.
User ID: 27999563
12/11/2012 12:12 AM
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Over the past few years, I have discerned that I have a gift of being a medical intuit. I have checked my prognosis against medical tests on myself and others, and the medical tests have confirmed my suspicions.
As for the OP and what one person said about your heart... your heart is fine, but your wife's is not as good as it should be.
As for the post about checking your liver... OP needs liver support but wife's liver is fine. OP most likely drinks too much and it has affected your liver.
As for checking your blood sugar... both of you have no real issues with blood sugar at this time.
I had a similar experience about two weeks ago where I walked into a gas station to purchase some coffee and I became dazed. I temporarily forgot what I came in to get, and then spilled my coffee everywhere. An attendant helped me clean it up, but this person seemed to be just as clumsy as me. Once I left the station, I was fine.
I have discerned that I have issues with my thyroid, which is the master gland that affects every bodily function in some capacity. My thyroid was more troubled in the gas station than usual.
OP and wife have issues with thyroid also... you might want to check your basal body temperature as I suspect that you are both below normal ( below 98.6 F)
User ID: 28731888
12/11/2012 12:16 AM
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We are between worlds my friend.
Thanks for the honest post. Just weird. I couldn't get home fast enough. Kept thinking of needing to be near my kids. Unprotected feeling.
You are being treated like jack by some of the posters because of the GRE comment and the PhD reference. I know you were just trying to establish your bona fides, but that is the deal here.
Anyway, almost everything boils down to psychology so it is a helpful degree. However, I don't think psychologists know 5% of what is going on ultimately. There is much more going on than is apparent through the scientific method.
I agree. My intent was to establish that I was nott some basement dweller that had no real world experience, but that I was capable of real critical thought and was trained in serious scientific methodology. My belief was that GLP had some thinkers and that my post may provoke some serious replies and not just conjecture. From my P.O.V, things just feel weird and I want to know if any other valid people have seen likewise. Thanks for your insight.
User ID: 21509763
12/11/2012 12:19 AM
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Dude, those dizzies you were feeling are from the energy waves we're getting from space. The Galactics say those dizzies indicate a change in our body's frequency as we prepare for ascension.
User ID: 20063747
12/11/2012 12:21 AM
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Anyways "kundalini" is capable of superactivating glutamatergic and serotonergic neuron networks, causing odd changes in perception and sense of self. Keep in mind that the experience you described would have to be the "lower end" of kundalini capability.
User ID: 21509763
12/11/2012 12:22 AM
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Additionally, I've gotten the dizzies too. They last for a little while. Some more intense than others. The Galactics say that we should expect these sensations and just go with the flow. Cheers.
User ID: 28731888
12/11/2012 12:29 AM
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The wave of energy I have ready about recently makes sense. I have been reading about booms in SC and other areas in the South East US. I'm in VA. They said that it felt like a wave of energy, and not just shaking and a boom (compression). This was definitely an "energized" feeling, but unsettling, not empowering. Galactic cloud or alignment issues. I don't know. just my (our) experiences here, so far.
User ID: 29602642
12/11/2012 12:31 AM
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"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." ~
George Carlin
I pee outside.
User ID: 28859998
12/11/2012 12:31 AM
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I agree. My intent was to establish that I was nott some basement dweller that had no real world experience, but that I was capable of real critical thought and was trained in serious scientific methodology.
The only folks who wouldn't be impressed by a near perfect GRE are those who never took it. ;-`)
I find it impressive, and indeed it set the tone for your OP.
Interesting topic. Your description leads me to think of some airborne contaminant as your sensibilities returned once you left the environment. I am aware of EMF pollution and its purposeful distortion of natural frequencies. It would not surprise me if a chemical agent is added to artificial environments to effect a desired outcome in human behaviour.
Las Vegas casinos over-oxygenate certain areas, I wouldn't put it past them to chemically-treat the air beyond adding oxygen.
We all breathe the same air
User ID: 29317919
12/11/2012 12:32 AM
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I am in Train in Tokyo,
all Seats occupied but no one
is really standing, some People talk,
some look into their mobile Phone,
a few Sleep and a few just watch out
of the Train, it is a beautiful day here
in Japan, all looks more than normal,
except me; i listen to Can, Tagomago!
if you see my ex tell her she's a bitch for me, thx
% . Perseus77 * 00 + 1 . %
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