After rising as much as 1.5 percent, shares in Cairn India gained 0.1 percent on hopes the oil explorer will soon announce a dividend payout, and were last
Analysts say the government?s recent approval of a corporate reorganisation at Cairn India is raising hopes for a dividend.
The company?s board of directors is set to meet on 31 October? to consider the payment of an interim dividend.
Morgan Stanley said Cairn India has net cash of $2.4 billion, or Rs 65? per share, equaling about 20 percent of its current market capitalisation and nearly equal to its capex guidance over the next two years, leaving ?room for the possibility of a higher payout.?
Cairn India on Monday said July-September profits tripled to Rs 2322 crore , just about in line with expectations. The company?s dividend policy was approved by the board in April 2012. As part of this policy, the company aimed at a dividend payout ratio of around 20 percent of the annual consolidated net profits to its shareholders.
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