Friday, April 6, 2012

For U.S Public Sector Confidence Is Highest In Backup And Disaster ...

According to the 2012 Acronis Disaster Recovery Index, small and medium sized businesses (organizations of under 100 seats) in the U.S. public services sector are the most confident when it comes to backup and disaster recovery operations. Thirty-four percent expressed that they are most confident their IT and security personnel are qualified to execute backup and disaster recovery operations in the wake of a serious incident or event. Fifty-two percent strongly agreed that their organizations have ample controls and procedures enabling them to have comprehensive backup and disaster recovery operations. A clear indicator of their high confidence stems from their high involvement in their organizations backup and disaster recovery operations. Forty-two percent of respondents cited that their backup and disaster recovery plans are well documented as well.

SMBs in the public sector cite that within the past year the amount of time lost in the event of system downtime was less than half a day. Although system downtime for the public sector was calculated as less than a day, thirty percent believe their organization would not suffer substantial downtime due to a serious incident. Twenty-five percent are also not very concerned with their backups and disaster recovery operations failing in the event of a serious incident due to their procedures and IT personnel currently in place. The public sector is extremely confident in their ability to quickly recover in the event of a disaster since twenty-seven percent expressed high confidence overall in their organization?s ability to quickly recover in the event of a system downtime.

Although the public sector is extremely confident in their backup and disaster recovery procedures, only 5-10% of their IT budget is spent specifically on backup and disaster recovery operations. Even with a small portion of the IT budget, SMBs in the public sector have implemented full-scale business continuity plans, implementing more staff training and continue to test their backups more regularly as a result of the natural disasters that occurred throughout 2011.

In the U.S the public services sector was extremely confident in their backup and disaster recovery operations; however the survey showed that the public services sectors worldwide were not confident at all in these specific operations. According to our worldwide overall results, the public services sector was the least confident citing that lack of budget and resources as two key challenges for backup and disaster recovery operations. Thirty-three percent cited that they do not have a budget to IT spending, at all. And forty-one percent cited that the lack of skilled IT personnel to manage their backup and disaster recovery operations was another major issue.


For more information on the 2012 Global Disaster Recovery Index:?????????????????????????????

The survey was conducted by the Ponemon Institute across 18 countries in September and October 2011. Over 6,000 IT practitioners were surveyed in small- to mid-market organisations with no more than 1,000 seats. Details of how the index was calculated and where each country appears can be found here:


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